Product ID: 5291
Super Double Coat & Mister Collins QD Combo
Kit Includes:
- 1x Mister Collins QD #520 (16oz)
- 1x Super Double Coat 476s (9oz)
- Removes light water spots, prints, smudges, wash residue and more
- Insulated with Collinite wax to protect & preserve 476, 845 or 915 look and bond
- Leaves behind a high gloss, bead & sheet shine
- Detergent proof
- No hard rubbing or buffing
- Lasts a full year, even under adverse conditions
- Clear coat safe
- Save 10% on this Combo
Mister Collins QD:
All new QD combines high lubricity cleansers + Collinite’s legendary polymer-carnauba wax protection for a unique bead and sheet shine. No. 520 safely and easily eliminates light contaminants between washes while enhancing your Collinite No. 845, 476 or 915 wax look and durability. Ideal for fast touch ups; removal of light water spots, prints, smudges, dust, pollen, droppings, automatic car wash residue and more. Leaves behind a lasting, high gloss shine that beads AND sheets. Recommended for exterior surfaces only; paint (non-matte) and trim.
Super Double Coat:
One of the finest paste wax type auto waxes available. Easy to apply and absolutely detergent proof. Collinite Super Doublecoat carnauba wax is guaranteed to outlast and outshine any other competitive auto wax, polish or protective coating under any conceivable condition. That's why it's called the permanent auto wax. No hard rubbing or buffing... and no special applicator is required. Collinite Super Doublecoat will last a full year, even under adverse conditions. Clear coat safe.