I bought this version because of where I live thinking it was the right tool for the job, mistake.
I checked out CarPro's forum to see if there were any pointers or tips that would be helpful & found it may be best to do a "Wipe on wipe off" at least until I was sure how it would react. I've used Optimum before & was very happy with the results but thought I'd try something different. On a cool morning 14˚(57˚F) - 16˚(61˚F) in the garage with the door open, I started. All looked fine, I should say my car is white & the lighting was giving me tad more difficulty than previously. Unnoticed by me it was setting up, getting sticky enough that it left hazy spots in many locations all over the car. There was one spot that I did wipe poorly & has rainbow showing high area, my fault, but I couldn’t believe these hazy areas. After searching CarPro’s forum again under applications gone wrong, a couple of the installers said “It seems to be more Humidity dependent” than temperature, great. I would have to guess the humidity was 60-70%, if I’d have known it was important I would have brought a humidity meter home from work. The car, being white is very hard to notice this haze & does look sharp but when You know it's there…
Moral of the story, this product appears to need a Cool & Dry environment for application, if this Is truly the case I wish CarPro would update their description.